Tuesday, November 8, 2011

11/8/11 Assignments

Spelling - Day 2
Math - none
English - none
Social Studies - working on posters in class
Reading - Literature Circle due Monday or Tuesday - Poetry projects due on Friday (project has 2 parts 1. book of poems 2. poem memorization and book report)
7/8 ELA - read pages 202-204, do questions 1-5 pages 203 & 204 and questions 1 & 2 page 205
Religion - read pages 53-59, do page 55 #1-10, page 59 Words I Learned and My Response


Makayla said...

hey mrs bojo do we have to fix the persuasive article? is it due tommorow?

Amy said...

Yes, Makayla. Please fix it by tomorrow. Thanks!

5th Grade Accelerated Reading Widget

6th Grade Accelerated Reading Widget

src="http://widgets1.renlearn.com/content/widgets/reading activity/readingactivitywidget.js">